Q & A
It's a great opportunity to give a some of the information we have on Psoriasis.
Q) Who gets Psoriasis?
A) Can occur in both children and adults, it is most common between the age of 15 to 35.
Q) Is Psoriasis contagious?
A) No, psoriasis is not contagious. It is not something you can "catch" or "pass on." The psoriatic lesions may not look good, but they are not infections or open wounds. People with psoriasis pose no threat to the health or safety of others. They can lead a happy married life with their family.
Q) Is all Psoriasis alike?
A) No, there are various forms of psoriasis. However the most common form is Plaque Psoriasis.
Q) How common is Psoriasis?
A) Psoriasis affects an estimated 2-3 percent of the world's population. 125 million people worldwide have psoriasis, according to the World Psoriasis Day consortium.
Q) Is it a genetic related disorder?
A) The exact cause of psoriasis is not known. Studies have indicated that a person is born genetically predisposed to psoriasis. Not everyone with psoriasis will have a family history of the disease.
Q) Is there any cure for Psoriasis?
A) There is no cure, but many different treatments, both topical and systemic, can clear psoriasis for periods of time. People often need to try out different treatments before they find one that works for them.
Q) What complications are associated with Psoriasis?
A) The skin, the largest organ in the body, plays an important role. It controls body temperature and serves as a barrier to infection. Large areas of psoriasis can lead to infection, fluid loss and poor blood flow (circulation).
Q) Why does Psoriasis flare up in winter?
A) During the winter months, the humidity is generally low. This tends to cause dry, itchy skin. Scratching affects skin and worsens psoriasis and can even cause new lesions to form. So do not scratch, scrub or prick psoriasis lesions.
Q) What effect does the sun have on Psoriasis?
A) The ultraviolet rays of natural sun light can have a positive effect on psoriasis. This is the basis for development of ultraviolet light (uv) therapy. However long exposure to sun light may cause sun burn, which can actually cause psoriasis to flare up.
Q) Will Psoriasis cause hairfall?
A) Psoriasis itself will not cause hair to fall out. However if attempt is made to remove the thick scales on the scalp, this may pull out hair. Medications like salicylic acid can temporarily damage hair.
Q) Does Psoriasis affect my normal life?
A) For the most part, people with psoriasis function normally. In addition to its physical impact on your skin, psoriasis can also affect your emotional, psychological and social well-being. This visible and lifelong disease may change how you view yourself and interact with others.
Q) How to use Dermist?
A) Dermist Shampoo: Wash the Psoriasis affected area of skin/scalp once a day while having shower, preferably in the morning.
Dermist Cream: Apply 2-3times a day on Psoriasis affected area of the skin/scalp after washing it with Dermist Shampoo once a day and with normal water in other times, and after pat-drying the skin/scalp with dry cotton towel.
Q) Do i need to use Dermist cream and Shampoo?
A) It is recommended that you wash the psoriatic affected areas first with Dermist shampoo and then apply Dermist cream for better results.
Q) Is there any special diet regime to be followed while using Dermist?
A) Normal healthy diet is recommended. However avoid hot spicy, non vegetarian food. Avoid or reduce alcohol intake as it increases dehydration.
Q) Self care tips?
A) Take daily baths; avoid hot water and harsh soaps. Use moisturiser immediately after bath. Avoid psoriasis triggers, find out what triggers your psoriasis and take steps to avoid them. Avoid drinking alcohol. Take/Use your medicines, get counseling from experts and help other psoriasis patients.